Thursday, July 05, 2007

Catholics Dems in Congress Seek Ally Against War

Rep. Rosa "EMILY’s List" DeLauro* finally has found an issue about which she gives a damn what the Catholic Church thinks:
U.S. Rep Rosa DeLauro, D-New Haven, joined a dozen members of Congress in calling on the Conference of Catholic Bishops to mobilize church members against the war in Iraq.

The group Tuesday released a letter sent to the bishops last week asking for a meeting to discuss strategy.
[ED.: Could you imagine the uproar coming from this same group of Catholic Democrats if a group of Republicans asked to meet with the USCCB "to discuss strategy" regarding abortion, ESCR, same-sex "marriage", etc.?] Several Catholic leaders, including Peter A. Rosazza in New Haven, auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Hartford, said they could not recall a similar request from members of Congress.

The letter bases its appeal on church tradition rather than statecraft or politics.

"If we understand the Catholic tradition correctly
[ED.: There's very little in your record to suggest that you do.], thoughtful church leaders around the world do not believe that the war in Iraq meets the strict conditions for a just war or the high moral standards for overriding the presumption against the use of force. Our concerns are rooted in both the political realm and in our faith and manifest in our efforts to enact legislation that will bring an end to this war," the letter says.

DeLauro, who has consistently opposed the war as a Democrat, now opposes the war as a Catholic as well.
[ED.: Does she, now? Too bad her "Catholic" opposition doesn't extend to matters such as abortion, ESCR, etc.]

"As Catholic members of Congress, we stand in unison with the Catholic Church in opposition to the war in Iraq. Yet to attain the ideal of peace, we must not only speak with words, we must take action and that is why we are reaching out to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops," DeLauro said Tuesday.

(emphasis and editorial commentary added)

My Comments:
I don't even know where to begin in commenting on such brazen chutzpah and rank hypocricy.

Let's start here, here, here, and here.

* DeLauro was the first Executive Director of "EMILY’s List" - a PAC which operates as a donor network, supporting "pro-choice" Democrat women candidates.

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At 7/05/2007 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But . . . but . . . but . . . I thought it was conservatives who wanted to align the Catholic Chruch with the GOP. I mean, a commenter on your own site said that. Now this story implies that some Democrats want an alliance between their party and the Church.

I am just so confused.

At 7/05/2007 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Separation of Church and State only applies to Republicans. You should know that.


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