Monday, June 25, 2007

NY Times Acknowledges "Pro-Choice" a Loser

A must-read post over at On the Record:
... When the Times is printing columns with titles like "Why Pro-Choice Is a Bad Choice for Democrats," it's time for even the slowest-learning Republicans to take notice. No, it is not clever strategy to nominate a "pro-choice" GOP presidential candidate like Rudy Giuliani. No, the Republicans do not lose votes by clinging to a pro-life platform.

For 30 years, Republicans have been gaining votes by opposing abortion, while Democrats have been losing votes by endorsing the slaughter of the unborn. For the same 30 years, the mass media have been doing their utmost to convince us all that the reverse is true. Now the Times, at least, is giving up. Everybody knows the truth. Everybody, that is, except the Republicans who have been profiting from it.

Could we hear that argument again, please?
...a pro-choice Republican nominee would be a gift to the Democrats, because the Republican Party wins over so many swing voters on abortion alone.
Did I mention that this is from the New York Times?

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