Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bob Novak: "A Chinese Cardinal Meets the Real Bush"

Columnist Robert Novak writes in today's Washington Post:
On May 31, President Bush met for 35 minutes in the private living quarters of the White House with Cardinal Joseph Zen, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Hong Kong, in an event that was not announced and did not appear on his official schedule. Their meeting did not please the State Department, elements of the Catholic hierarchy and certainly not the Chinese government. But it signifies what George W. Bush is really about.

In Hong Kong, Zen enjoys more freedom to speak out than do his fellow bishops in China proper, and he has become known as the spiritual voice of China's beleaguered democracy movement. Since Hong Kong was handed over to Beijing by the British government in 1997, he has increasingly called for both religious freedom and democracy in China. Consequently, the China desk at the State Department in Washington and the U.S. Embassy in Beijing contended that, for the sake of Sino-American relations, it would be a bad idea for the president to invite the cardinal. So did some of Zen's fellow cardinals.

So, why did the president invite him? The fact that no news of the session leaked out for two weeks indicates that this was no political stunt to revive Bush's anemic poll ratings. The president got divided counsel from his advisers regarding the impact the meeting would have on China's rulers. As he nears the end of a troubled presidency, Bush as a man of faith places the plight of the religious in unfree countries at the top of his agenda.

In a city abounding in leaks, I first learned on June 13 about the cardinal's visit to the White House via a circuitous route, from an American Catholic layman. That same day, Raymond Arroyo of the Eternal Word Television Network, acclaimed reporter of Catholic news, made public that the meeting took place.

Bush asked Zen whether he was the "bishop of all China." Replying that his diocese was just Hong Kong, Zen told Bush of the plight of Catholics in China, including five imprisoned bishops. The cardinal is reported by sources close to him to have left the White House energized and inspired. George W. Bush is at a low point among his fellow citizens, but he is still a major figure for Catholics in China who look to him as a clarion of freedom.

(emphasis added)

My Comments:
Coming from Robert Novak - a man who is, to say the least, not a particular fan of the Bush clan, this column is high praise indeed.

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At 6/21/2007 10:56 AM, Blogger Rich Leonardi said...

The nonpublic nature of the event reminds me of what I admire most about the man. During the aftermath of 9/11, President Bush was invited to meet the families of the victims. His aides wanted heavy press involvement. Bush refused, barring cameras and reporters. He reportedly wept and prayed with scores of the bereaved, and his aides had to pull him out of the hall after several hours.

Let's hope that spring in Cardinal Zen's step indicates some sort of assurance that Bush will take a public stance on behalf of Chinese Catholics.


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