Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bishop Joins Those Piling On General Pace

(Hat tip: The Cafeteria is Closed)

From Matt Abbott:
In response to the story regarding Marine Gen. Peter Pace and his remarks about homosexual behavior, the Most Rev. Rene Henry Gracida, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Corpus Christi — and a staunch defender of Catholic orthodoxy — had this to say:

"Marine Gen. Peter Pace is entitled, as is every individual, to his own personal opinion on the morality of homosexual activity. However, given his position as the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, it was imprudent of him to express to the media his personal opinion, which could be interpreted as being in opposition to the official policy of the United States Armed Forces since he is charged with the responsibility for administering that policy.

"Gen. Pace publicly acknowledged the impropriety of his statement, so the matter should now be dropped by everyone."
My Comments:
A Marine states his own personal views on the morality of homosexual acts, which just so happen to be in line with what the Catholic Church teaches, and gets raked over the coals by a Bishop.

And yet, we still wait ... and wait ... and wait ... for some Bishop to do something ... say something ... about the continuing scandal of Catholic politicians who thumb their noses at Church teaching on abortion, ESCR, same-sex marriage, etc.

Perhaps I should clarify something. It's not that I necessarily disagree with the substance of what Bishop Gracida said. It may very well have been, and indeed, based on General Pace's subsequent apology, was, imprudent for the General to make the comments he made.

But why did Bishop Gracida feel the need to speak out in the first place? Why confuse people into thinking the Church disagrees with the beliefs General Pace espoused? Why give the enemies of the Church and the proponents of same-sex activity a weapon with which to attack Church teaching?

Is General Pace a member of Bishop Gracida's diocese? If not, did Bishop Gracida feel the same need to condemn Nancy Pelosi's statements regarding being a "good Catholic" and still being pro-abortion?

UPDATE # 2 (15 March)
"The Guardian", posting in comments, thinks I "jumped the gun" in criticizing Bishop Gracida. I am well aware of Bishop Gracida's reputation for orthodoxy, as well as some of his very courageous stands. I will admit that "spineless" is not the correct word to use to describe this Bishop, and I apologize for my use of that word in the title of this post. As I believe the title of this post to be uncharitable toward a successor to the Apostles, I have decided to change it.

Nevertheless, I do think that this particular instance of completely gratuitous piling on of General Pace by the Bishop is worthy of criticism. Athough, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't use the word "spineless" in the original title of this post, I stand by my criticism of the Bishop's actions here.

UPDATE # 3 (16 March)
"John Duns", posting in comments, apparently doesn't believe that 2 separate blog posts in which I acknowledge and apologize for the wrongness of my words about Bishop Gracida are either numerous or abject enough. I wonder what additional sort of penance for this sin on my part (other than that which I have already placed on myself) will satisfy "John Duns". Here is the text of my comment in response:
I have apologized for my intemperate remarks about the Bishop in 2 different posts - this one and then again here:

If you read that second post, you will note that the Bishop clarified his position on General Pace, which indicates even he thought his original statement might lead to confusion.

Here is what I said in that post:

"As I have acknowledged in an update to my previous post on this subject, I was overly harsh and uncharitable, not to mention lacking in the requisite respect for and humility toward a successor to the Apostles, in my original statements regarding the Bishop's comments about General Pace. I again apologize for my intemperate remarks about this good and holy Bishop.

"I am glad to see this clarification from the Bishop, as well as a public reaffirmation that the views expressed by General Pace on this subject are, indeed, in line with those of the Church."

Perhaps you missed that second one. At any rate, I'm not sure how many or how abject my apologies need to be before you are satisfied. I have acknowledged (1) that I don't disagree with the content of the Bishop's statements and (2) that I was wrong in my harsh criticism of the Bishop. What you seem to be unhappy about is that I continue to believe that the Bishop should not have added his voice to those criticising the General. I still believe that, but am grateful for his subsequent clarification.

But if you think this is a blog that routinely bashes bishops, you are mistaken. There are plenty of those sorts of blogs around, but this isn't one of them. I made a mistake regarding Bishop Gracida, and I have apologized for it - twice. If that's not good enough for you, then there are plenty of other blogs for you to visit.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Joint Chiefs Chairman Calls Homosexual Acts "Immoral"

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At 3/14/2007 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we have a citation where the Bishop said this?

I see text attributed by Gerald and Matt, but no link to the actual statement.

At 3/14/2007 11:25 AM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

General Pace's remarks were in the context of why he supports the current policy. I don't believe that it was inappropriate to express his views.

If that's an accurate quotation by that bishop, then he's a ... something I probably shouldn't call a bishop.

At 3/14/2007 11:43 AM, Blogger BillyHW said...

Do the popes know that they get to appoint all the bishops of the world?

At 3/14/2007 1:20 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...

Offhand, I'd guess that Bp G was playing to the large Army base nearby: Ft. Sam Houston.

At 3/14/2007 1:22 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

Or the Naval Air Station in Corpus.

At 3/14/2007 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that this bishop is considered fairly orthodox, at least compared to most of them. It would be nice to think that such cowardice in the face of evil as our bishops display is an affront to the bishop who appointed them, but since the bishops who have risen the highest lately have also been the most conspicuously PC, it's hard to escape the conclusion that they are doing what they were chosen to do--by man if not by God.

At 3/14/2007 6:00 PM, Blogger Christine the Soccer Mom said...

OT comment here, Jay. I tagged you for a meme over here.

At 3/14/2007 9:44 PM, Blogger hmmm... said...

Considering the clarity and continuity of Church teaching vis a vis homosexual acts, I don't think General Pace's remarks are merely his opinion. The secular media labels it so, but the Church cannot.

At 3/15/2007 9:17 AM, Blogger John Duns said...

For Mr. Jay Anderson:
You were hasty, and I believe uncharitable, in your words about Bishop Rene H. Gracida. He has done more for the pro life movement in the U.S.A. than any other bishop in the 20th century, maybe even the 21st. He was the first Bishop to place excommunications and interdictions on pro-abort politicos in a few hundred years. He was and still is scorned for this by many unorthodox libs out there. Did you read the awesome open letter, SCATHING letter, which Bishop Gracida sent to all US bishops last October, right before their collegial meeting? Please read all of it, and get a better sense of how orthodox and full of spine this bishop is, before you decide to jump him again: Bishop Gracida's closing line in that open letter, which even Pope Benedict XVI received and was greatly pleased with, says the following: "Exactly one year before his death, Pope John Paul II addressed a group of visiting American bishops. The Holy Father said very providentially that, 'The necessary reform of the Church in the United States calls above all for the interior renewal and conversion of bishops.'"(Zenit, April 2, 2004.) Mr. Anderson, I think that you simply erred by failing to see the motivation behind his choice of words, and his decision to give public words in the first place. As a member of his diocese, I know that he always speaks out in defense of the truth, and for this reason he has been attacked incessantly for years and years by liberal "open minded" bishops and laity across the country. Bishop Gracida stated in the column of Matt Abbott that: "Far from being critical of Gen. Pace, I was supporting him when I defended his right to hold the opinion regarding the immorality of homosexual activity, with which I and the Magisterium agree." Does this sound like Bishop Gracida is sending a "mixed" message to Catholics, as you accuse him of? I fail to see how you can come to such a conclusion, and have an even greater difficulty with your disrespect of this holy and courageous bishop. I stood next to him two months ago at a rosary we prayed in front of the abortion mill. A police officer threatened to haul him in and used other intimidation tactics. I saw this giant of a man... of a bishop, grin, chuckle, and then tell the cop to do him the favor of incarceration. This is a spineless bishop? Bishop Gracida's decision to write that open comment about Gen. Pace is summed up in the good Bishop's own words, also found in Matt Abbott's column: "Gen. Pace recognizes that expressing his opinion undermines his authority in enforcing the law." In your "Update," which seems at first to recognize that you jumped the gun, but then load the gun with a new and different bullet, you ask if Bishop Gracida finds the same need to speak out against Nanci Pelosi, her ilk, etc. etc. Friend, please do more research before you blast from the hip. He has done those things, and then some. Bishop Gracida went on public airwaves during the Bush/Kerry elections, making it clear that Kerry is a heretic in the first degree, and that and that no real Catholic could in good conscience vote for him. He has said or written as much about Ted Kennedy, Pelosi et al many times over the years. You had the spine to insinuate that Bishop Gracida is "spineless." I hope you have the spine to post this comment, unabridged, and admit that you simply misinterpreted Bishop Gracida's intentionality, and that you jumped the gun. This would be the manly and Catholic thing for you to do. We all make mistakes. All that is needed here is for you to admit that you made one.

At 3/15/2007 12:11 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

The Guardian,

Thank you for your comment. I am well aware of Bishop Gracida's reputation for orthodoxy, and respect him for his courageous stands. I agree that my decision to use "Spineless" in the title of this post was a poor and uncharitable choice, for which I apologize. I have now changed the title.

However, I take issue with what I see as a wholly unnecessary piling on of General Pace by the Bishop. General Pace has every right to state his personal position on this issue, especially when said position matches that of the Church. The General may have been imprudent, but I don't think he needs to hear that in a public statement from a Bishop halfway across the country, especially when that rebuke serves only to confuse the populace about what the Church actually teaches and gives the Church's enemies a weapon to say that General Pace's beliefs are out of step even with his own Church.

I respect and commend Bishop Gracida for his orthodoxy, but I believe his rebuke of General Pace was wholly gratuitous.

At 3/16/2007 6:16 PM, Blogger John Duns said...

Dear Mr. Anderson, Bishop Rene' H. Gracida has done more for orthodoxy, more FOR the Church ("pro ecclesia"), than you or your "pro ecclesia" blog could ever hope for. In your hype about bishop bashing, you bashed one of the few good ones, and while you can muster an 80% apology, you have a problem with a 100% apology. You seem to have a problem with a full fledged "mea culpa." In your update 2, just like in your update #1, you start off by re-tracing your steps, and hooray, an apology to one of the greatest, most orthodox and most courageous bishops in the U.S.of A. from the last century and this one. But, you still "...stand by your criticism of the bishop's actions here." It was my habit of visiting your blog regularly. But now, after seeing your inability to make academic distinctions made by an intelligent, orthodox and courageous bishop, compounded by your inability to just say "I was wrong, period," it is my decision to avoid this blog at all costs in the future. You seem to be more Catholic than the Pope, and have no respect for those few bishops who have stood alone with the Pope in their fights for fidelity, life, and orthodoxy in different spheres. I had higher expectations for you and this blog. God Bless you and may you be protected from future disrespectful indiscretions or insinuations against those holy men who are the real thing, not pretenders. John Duns.

At 3/16/2007 10:35 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

I have apologized for my intemperate remarks about the Bishop in 2 different posts - this one and then again here:

If you read that second post, you will note that the Bishop clarified his position on General Pace, which indicates even he thought his original statement might lead to confusion.

Here is what I said in that post:

"As I have acknowledged in an update to my previous post on this subject, I was overly harsh and uncharitable, not to mention lacking in the requisite respect for and humility toward a successor to the Apostles, in my original statements regarding the Bishop's comments about General Pace. I again apologize for my intemperate remarks about this good and holy Bishop.

"I am glad to see this clarification from the Bishop, as well as a public reaffirmation that the views expressed by General Pace on this subject are, indeed, in line with those of the Church."

Perhaps you missed that second one. At any rate, I'm not sure how many or how abject my apologies need to be before you are satisfied. I have acknowledged (1) that I don't disagree with the content of the Bishop's statements and (2) that I was wrong in my harsh criticism of the Bishop. What you seem to be unhappy about is that I continue to believe that the Bishop should not have added his voice to those criticising the General. I still believe that, but am grateful for his subsequent clarification.

But if you think this is a blog that routinely bashes bishops, you are mistaken. There are plenty of those sorts of blogs around, but this isn't one of them. I made a mistake regarding Bishop Gracida, and I have apologized for it - twice. If that's not good enough for you, then there are plenty of other blogs for you to visit.

At 3/17/2007 11:26 AM, Blogger John Duns said...

Mr. Anderson, I do not have a problem with going after bishops, and calling them to task, when it is called for. I (Fr. J. Patrick Serna, ) am the co-author, with Bishop Gracida, of the booklet which we made one thousand hard copies of, also on the web for general viewing:
As mentioned before, these hardcopies of the aforesaid letter, in pamphlet format, were mailed to all the US bishops, along with our Holy Father and several of the orthodox theologians in Rome. His Holiness was pleased with it. I commend you for posting statements which can come across as critical of you on your own personal blog. Many other bloggers don't do that, and you have my respect for that. I am happy with your most recent apologies to Bishop Gracida. God Bless you and your Blog.

At 3/17/2007 12:30 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

Thank you, Fr. I commend you and Bishop Gracida for your excellent work.

I allow posts that are critical of me (as long as they are not abusive or profane) because how else am I to learn and grow in my faith? Iron sharpens iron, so to speak.

Besides, I would be a hypocrite to question or criticize others on my blog without allowing myself to also be questioned or criticized.

Again, I thank you for visiting this blog and for your input.

At 4/27/2007 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your passion is good and the fact that you listen to criticism boosts your credibility. It was also helpful that the good Bishop clarified his own words which were a little hard to understand.

Thank your for your contrition and partial correction. I say partial because I see where you retract your comments about Gracida but not where you indicate that Pace was indeed incorrect to state his personal views publicly. If I remember correctly he was in full uniform and possibly mixing discussion of public policy with his personal views.

Bishop Gracida is more than qualified to render his correct multi-faceted opinion from multiple standpoints.

Aside from being a successor to the Apostles, you should note that before becoming a Priest, Mr. Gracida flew dozens of missions over Germany seeing planes dropping left and right. As a Military man he more than understands that General Pace's personal public comments were not appropriate for a General on active duty. As a graduate of the US Naval Academy I concur with his assessment.

As Catholics you, the Bishop, & I may agree with Pace's personal views but that still doesn't mean that he should have said them publicly (especially in Uniform and anywhere near a discussion of public policy).

In my life I have met and/or been in the direct presence of many "great" men including Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, General Powell, General Schwarzkopf, and many others.

The fact is that not one of them measure up to Bishop Gracida.

At 4/28/2007 11:23 AM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

"Thank your for your contrition and partial correction. I say partial because I see where you retract your comments about Gracida but not where you indicate that Pace was indeed incorrect to state his personal views publicly. If I remember correctly he was in full uniform and possibly mixing discussion of public policy with his personal views."

Actually, I acknowledged the imprudence of Gen. Pace's comments in the very first update to this post.


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