Thursday, March 01, 2007

Robert Novak: "The Conservative Void"

Columnist Robert Novak writes:
New York-based political consultant Kieran Mahoney's statewide survey of probable Republican participants in the 2008 Iowa presidential caucuses shows this support for the "big three" GOP candidates: John McCain, 20.5 percent; Rudy Giuliani, 16.3 percent; Mitt Romney, 3.5 percent. Astonishingly, they all trail James Gilmore, the former governor of Virginia, with 31 percent.

How could that be? Because it was not a legitimate survey, but a "push poll." That normally is a clandestine effort to rig a poll by telling respondents negative things about various candidates. Mahoney makes no secret that his voter sample was told of liberal deviations by McCain, Giuliani and Romney, and of true-blue conservatism by Gilmore (Mahoney's client).

Mahoney is trying to prove a point widely accepted in Republican ranks. None of the three front-line candidates is a natural fit for the nation's right-of-center party. Without question, there is a conservative void. The question is whether Gilmore or any new candidate can fill it.

It is hardly too late for such negative campaigning to tear down Republican front-runners because of inadequate conservative credentials. At this point in the 2000 election cycle, Bush was far in front with 45 percent in the polls, with Elizabeth Dole second at 29 percent, and McCain at a mere 3 percent, behind Dan Quayle and Steve Forbes, before making his run that nearly won the nomination. The GOP lineup for 2008 may still be open, considering the conservative void.
(emphasis added)

My Comments:
"At this point in the 2000 election cycle, Bush was far in front with 45 percent in the polls, with Elizabeth Dole second at 29 percent, and McCain at a mere 3 percent, behind Dan Quayle and Steve Forbes, before making his run that nearly won the nomination."

Still hope, then, for someone like Brownback.

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At 3/02/2007 8:19 AM, Blogger Leticia said...

Go Brownback go! I saw a straw poll in Spartanburg, SC last night on "Hannity and Colmes", Guiliani was up to 108, and Brownback made a good showing at 48, it's not over yet!
Wake up Catholics, do you really want a pro-death philanderer as our second Catholic president. Might as well vote for Teddy Kennedy!


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