Thursday, March 22, 2007

Moneyman Monaghan's Megalomaniacal Meltdown

Details here (Rocco Palmo), here (Rocco again), here (Amy Welborn), here (Cafeteria is Closed), here (American Papist), and here (Fumare).

Three points:
(1) No way would I ever send my kids to this school, and it's not just because of what happened today. The whole venture has stunk from the get-go as the self-serving utopian dream (more like a nightmare) of some eccentric (and that's being charitable) rich Catholic guy.

(2) Orthodox Catholics should be loathe to jeopardize their credibility by putting their support behind pie-in-the-sky crap like Avemariauniversityville, U.S.A. Monaghan and all of his imperial ventures are NOT the last great hope for orthodox Catholicism in America. Indeed, far from it.

(3) If I were Sam Brownback, I'd get my campaign as far away from Monaghan and his money as possible.

Excellent assessment of the whole Ave Maria Empire mess by The Roving Medievalist:
"The upshot of the whole thing is that American Catholics need to follow the shepherds Our Lord gave us, and ignore the ones who set themselves up as self-appointed Catholic leaders. That kind always go off the rails eventually."



At 3/22/2007 12:30 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...

Tom M has always been a bit quirky.

At 3/22/2007 6:38 PM, Blogger BillyHW said...

You know, people get fired everyday.

It's not the end of the world or an era.

At 3/22/2007 6:39 PM, Blogger BillyHW said...

"The upshot of the whole thing is that American Catholics need to follow the shepherds Our Lord gave us, and ignore the ones who set themselves up as self-appointed Catholic leaders. That kind always go off the rails eventually."

Does he mean Cardinal Mahoney?

At 3/22/2007 9:04 PM, Blogger John14:15 said...

The Roving Medievalist hits it head on. David saw this truth (1 Samuel 26:23) and Jesus taught it (Matthew 23:1.) I think this means we always owe respect; we follow up to the point of contravening a commandment.


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