Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How Did Rudy Get His Lead?

Maybe because of "conservatives" like Rick Santorum, who sounds as if he's prepared to sell out in order to support Giuliani?
For the moment, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani sits on double-digit leads over the rest of the Republican presidential-hopeful pack in several national polls.


"It appears to me that Rudy is going aggressively after the conservative vote," says Pennsylvania Republican and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum. "He has not ceded that ground to anybody."

Santorum, known nationally for his social conservatism, says Giuliani does a good job of reminding people how he governed as a conservative on crime, welfare and taxes in New York City.

Santorum also believes Giuliani has scored points on social issues with his comments about judges and Supreme Court justices.

"Rudy understands that, on those issues, the courts are where conservatives have been losing the battle," he says. "If he is going to be appointing judges in the Scalia-Thomas (mold), then he is sending a very positive message to conservatives that he understands the importance of having the Constitution interpreted for what it says and not for what people want it to be."

My Comments:
I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. After all, Santorum did actively support that liberal, pro-abortion RINO Arlen Specter over the much more conservative and pro-life Pat Toomey in the 2004 Pennsylvania Republican Primary.


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At 3/14/2007 1:33 AM, Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

I have always found Santorum to be a man who was on the right side of the life issues and good model in that regard. I would not be so hasty to critizie him yet. Sadly though I think he, like many republcians, is getting a little too into the "war on terror." Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean to understate the dangers there, and I am somone who sees this as a "Clash of Civilizations" and war that has been going since the Muslims attacked the Byzantines. Still "Tough" Rudy can fight that just fine, but his vision of an America of abortion on demand, gun control, and civil unions, a generation or two down the line, will have the same lack of spine and resolve that plagues much of Europe. Santorum, Hannity, and other Catholics are getting more caught up fighting another civilization, rather than ensuring ours is worth fighting for.

At 3/14/2007 6:06 AM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

FD, I generally like Santorum, but if electing pro-life candidates is a "life issue", then here's one Santorum is on the wrong side of.

One would think that pro-aborts gave him enough trouble when he was a Senator that he'd want to help pick pro-life candidates; but whenever he's had a choice, he's gone for the "establishment" candidate instead.

It's disappointing to see.

At 3/14/2007 7:36 AM, Blogger Jeffrey Smith said...

I'm sorry, but I spent too many years in Pennsylvania to join in the adulation by Catholics in other parts of the country. Santorum was firm on a lot of the right positions, but, frankly, I saw too much of him to be able to trust him.

At 3/14/2007 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is much worse than supporting Specter. With that, you could at least blame it on Senate comity and protecting the majority through a big tent approach. Sucking up to Rudy now, after he got knocked out of politics through a devastating loss, is less explicable. Unless he wants a job in a new Rudy administration. Maybe the #2 job.

At 3/16/2007 10:55 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

In this next election year we are going to see a lot of so-called conservative Catholics true colors. Many, I'm afraid, are Republicans first and Catholics second. I have always been uncomfortable with the manner in which many conservative Catholics have relentlessly insisted that all Catholics must vote, and that abortion is a non-negotiable issue (not because I believe abortion to be negotiable, but because I have always sensed a partisan maneuver and agenda in those "how to vote Catholic" guides) thereby making the Republican party a Catholic’s only option. Now many of these people will support Rudy. No doubt the precept to vote will trump the non-negotiable abortion issue, and so the only "Catholic" action will be to vote for the "lesser of two evils." Which will again mandate a Republican vote. These "conservative" Catholics are reminding me more and more of the "liberal" Catholics of the 70s and 80s and their justifications for support of the Democratic Party. The sincere Catholics among those loyal to the Democratic alliance are only now realizing that it was an impossible pairing, and that liberalism was opposed to the faith from the beginning. I hope we do not make the same mistake with the Nativist, neo-con, Wall-Street conservative crowd. One day we might find that our children are more concerned about spreading individualist culture around the globe, stopping the Mexicans from diluting our decadent culture, and how the Dow is doing than about their eternal salvation. Then we will be like the well-meaning liberal Catholics of the 70s and 80s whose children protest for social justice, but couldn’t care less about Jesus Christ. We must remember that the world rejected Christ and that it will reject us.
God Bless


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