Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why I Don't Watch Politicized Award Shows (Besides My Complete Distaste for Celebrity-Infatuated Pop Culture)

EWTN's Raymond Arroyo writes for National Review Online:
I Hear Music, Partisan Music
Watching the Grammys.

By Raymond Arroyo

The whole point of music is to transcend politics, grievances, and the differences that divide to help us reconnect to those essential human emotions we all share: love, loss, anger, regret. Unless, that is, you work for the music industry.

Like its wicked stepsister, Hollywood, the music business has become increasingly divorced from its purpose, estranged from its audience, and maliciously partisan. Not that they seem to care. Case in point: the 49th Annual Grammy Awards held at the Los Angeles Staples Center on Sunday night. Watching the proceedings, who could be blamed for wanting to staple some mouths shut?

For the Dixie Chicks, who won a total of five Grammys, the evening was a triumph. No big surprise. Natalie Maines, the lead singer for the group, all but insured this outcome in 2003, when, during a concert in London she announced, “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” Back on the mainland, a huge chunk of their fan base in red-state America stop whistling Dixie Chicks; the comments would eventually lead to dwindling record sales and a banishment from many country-radio stations. The Chicks were unrepentant, and decided to court a more urbane crowd, shaking off the “rednecks” that had made them stars.

On Sunday, they communed with their new fan base: Grammy voters. For the tune “Not Ready to Make Nice,” the Chicks snagged Best Song and Best Record of the Year Grammys, despite the fact that it never broke the top 20 on any chart. And to prove the power of an offhanded comment against a beleaguered president, the trio took home an Album of the Year Grammy as well.

For an institution approaching its 50th year, and an industry hemorrhaging financially, one would have imagined that the Grammy telecast would have at least tried to reach as wide an audience as possible. No such luck. Save for the American Idol champion, Carrie Underwood, who picked up a pair of Grammys for her Jesus Take the Wheel, there was little for Middle America to revel in.

Finally, near the end of the of the torturous ceremony, as if the nerves could take any more, that musical giant Al Gore took the stage to announce the winner of the Best Rock Album. Why? I have no idea. But as evidence that global warming is wreaking some havoc, perhaps on what is left of good taste, Jimmy Carter won a spoken-word Grammy for his audio book, Our Endangered Values...

(emphasis added)



At 2/13/2007 7:34 PM, Blogger BillyHW said...

I hear there's a smug alert for the Los Angeles region today.

At 2/24/2007 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the odd ones, the underdogs in life. My wife got me into to American Idol a while back. This unusual fellow is a Christian and very, very Interesting guy. I hope he makes it to the top five at least because he has a lot we havent seen. His name is Chris Sligh. Below is an audio link which is the most Catholic song I have ever heard that was written by a conservative Christian. Please take the time to listen and if you watch AI vote for him.
The song is "Communion Song" and Chris Sligh wrote it. He is my families' American Idol Lets help him do good and as Chris Sligh put it, "Make David Hasslehoff cry" Please send this to any or all of your Christian e-mail lists.



Just click the play symbol Communion Song

Lord here we are We've come to be filled
Reached out our hands to received the blood you spilled
Humbly we bow here with hearts on display
To take of the Body that took our guilt away

And we come here yes we come
Take us in Here we are come in and know us
come take our hearts
This is all our hearts live for is...
Holy Communion...nothing more...nothing more

Lord here we are Naked in sin to taste of the wine
And be made clean again
Humbly we bow here to take of the bread
Bled forgiveness run like new oils on our head

And we come here yes we come
Take us in Here we are come in and know us
come take our hearts
This is all our hearts live for is...
Holy Communion...nothing more...nothing more

Lord Have Mercy ...Christ Have Mercy..
Lord Have Mercy on us (repeat 4 times)

Take us in Here we are come in and know us
come take our hearts
This is all our hearts live for is...
Holy Communion...nothing more...nothing more


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