Monday, February 26, 2007

Catholic Guilt

In keeping with the Lenten season, Agnus Daily has a couple of stories on "Catholic guilt":
Catholic Guilt Rocks No Doubt's Gwen Stefani

The Pervasive Plague of Catholic Guilt
Here's a sample:
Dr. Phillip Gorman, a Psychologist from the institute of Social Mental Health explained that, “Many in the Church argue that the reason many fallen away Catholics feel guilt is because they know that what they’re doing is an objective moral evil. However, studies have proven that it’s mainly a chemical imbalance that is brought about by the constant bombardment from the pulpit regarding things like, sin, the reality of demons and the devil, and other ridiculous claims.” Rev. Kenneth Sims denies this by asserting that, “I, nor any other priest or bishop I know, have ever preached a sermon on sin, hell, demons, or the devil in within the last 40 years. Obviously the good doctor is mistaken.” In fact, in a recent poll, only five percent of Catholics even knew what a demon was.



At 2/26/2007 2:52 PM, Blogger Jeffrey Smith said...

Another example of leftists living in a dream world.

At 2/27/2007 12:34 AM, Blogger Literacy-chic said...

Maybe it's the sin that creates the chemical imbalance to mirror the spiritual imbalance, signaling the link between body and soul!


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