Friday, January 12, 2007

Brownback Opposes Troop Surge in Iraq

Publius reports that presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback has announced his opposition to President Bush's troop surge plan.

I'm not sure how I feel about this move by Brownback. While I support him in his presidential run, I certainly hope that President Bush's strategy for Iraq works.

"But", as Publius points out, "on the bright side it will be harder for Catholic lefties to paint him as an orthodox neo-con."

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At 1/12/2007 5:16 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...

Brownback could well be thinking in terms of "if we've been there for four years w/160K troops and THAT hasn't worked, then why throw 20K more in there?"

Some Conservatives, myself included, are not sold on the idea that the USArmy is around for "implanting democracy."

And, aside from Arab killing Arab (on a US withdrawal), exactly what horrific cataclysms will befall the Middle East?

We do NOT have to disappear--I think we'd like to keep 20K or so hanging around to keep Saudi Arabia's oilfields pumping.

THAT is an interest of the USA.

At 1/18/2007 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I question how anybody thinks that Bush's Iraq policy could work? Anybody who is anybody, Generals past and present, Colin Powell, Senators on both sides of the aisle, a vast majority of the American people - on and on - say it will not work - yet onward Bush goes. When did this country shift from "We the People to "Me the President?"


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