Thursday, December 14, 2006

Virginia Catholic Alliance Live Blog: Jeff Caruso of the Virginia Catholic Conference

Shaun Kenney is hosting the first ever Virginia Catholic Alliance live blog at 10:00am on Tuesday, 19 December. His guest will be Jeff Caruso, Executive Director of the Virginia Catholic Conference, and they are now taking questions. (click here) Here's a few things that the Conference will be taking up in the new legislative session:

  • Prohibiting state funding for embryonic stem cell research
  • Abortion clinic regulations
  • Increasing the minimum wage
  • Providing state assistance to parents whose children attend non-public schools for the purchase of their non-religious textbooks
  • Preventing minor's access to pornography. (Arlington's Bishop Loverde just wrote an excellent pastoral letter on the subject.)

  • If you're a Virginia Catholic blogger, and you're interested in joining the Virginia Catholic Alliance, just shoot an e-mail to Stephen Braunlich at Although I no longer reside in the Commonwealth, the Alliance was kind enough to invite me to become an honorary member.

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