Monday, December 11, 2006

Iranian Holocaust Conference Draws Fire From West

From Cybercast News Service:
Jerusalem ( - An Iranian conference on the Holocaust is "paving the way to further genocides," a Holocaust expert said here on Monday.

Dozens of Holocaust deniers and revisionists from around the world are attending a two-day state-sponsored conference that is examining the claims of the Holocaust. The conference opened in Iran on Monday.
Full Story
My Comments:
Meanwhile, these are the people former Sec. of State Jim Baker thinks hold the key to "peace" in Iraq and the Middle East. That is, once the Israelis acquiesce to their own destruction as the price for our extracting ourselves from Iraq with the aid of Iran and Syria.

1 comment:

  1. NBC news mentioned that some Ultra fringe Jewish group is attending/supporting the confrence, I wonder what their angel is.


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