Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Election Aborted Careers of Many Pro-Choice Republicans

From Human Events:
One theme emerging from the 2006 elections is the ongoing march to extinction in the House of pro-choice Republicans. The already small pro-choice contingent in the GOP caucus was cut in half, as pro-choice Republicans performed much worse than the rest of the party.

First, consider the Republicans who received money from pro-choice PACs. Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America are the two largest pro-choice PACs (not counting EMILY’s List, which gives only to Democratic candidates). Five Republican candidates (including one senator—Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island) received money from one or both of these PACs in 2006. All five lost.

Similarly, the Republican Majority for Choice PAC funded 16 GOP candidates for House and Senate. Only four won.

Most striking was the poor performance of incumbents funded by these PACs. Incumbent Republicans supported by NARAL and Planned Parenthood went zero for three. Incumbent Republicans supported by Republican Majority for Choice were a dismal four for 11.

My Comments:
Unfortunately, several solidly pro-life Republicans also had their political careers cut short.


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