Monday, December 04, 2006

Brownback Eyes 2008 White House Bid

From Reuters:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, a prominent religious and social conservative, formed a committee on Monday to explore a 2008 White House bid to help "rebuild the family and renew our culture."

"I have decided, after much prayerful consideration, to consider a bid for the Republican nomination for the presidency," said Brownback, a two-term Senate veteran and staunch opponent of abortion and same-sex marriage.

"We need a culture that encourages what is right and discourages what is wrong, and has the wisdom to understand the difference," he said in a statement.

The long-shot bid by Brownback, a practicing Roman Catholic raised as an evangelical Protestant, could appeal to conservative Christian activists who exert a strong influence in Republican nominating primaries.


Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Students for Brownback

Looks Like Feddie's Endorsing Brownback, Too

Mr. Compassionate Conservative

Sen. Brownback Files Bill Against Assisted Suicide

Washington Post Profile on Sen. Sam Brownback

USCCB Official Expresses Gratitude to Sen. Brownback for Hearings on Capital Punishment

Senator Brownback Conducts Senate Hearings To Examine Pornography's Effects On Families, Society

Will This Catholic Senator Be the Next President?

Kansas Senator Brownback, Looking at Presidential Bid, Makes Faith the Bedrock of Campaign

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