Friday, November 10, 2006

Priests in the Blogosphere

(Hat tip: Amy Welborn)

The National Catholic Register has a story on blogging priests. Eric Scheske, the author of the piece, lists his recommendations for the 10 best blogs by priests. Notes Scheske:
A word of caution: This is just my opinion. Many intelligent people would disagree with my rankings or protest my omission of their favorites. Still, I am confident readers will enjoy a visit to all these priestly blogs ...
Father Martin Fox's Bonfire of the Vanities rates a "Top 10" ranking, and deservedly so. I am assuming that Scheske is unfamiliar with Fr. Tim Finigan's outstanding blog The Heremeneutic of Continuity, which also deserves to be ranked among the top priestly blogs.

As a side note: Completely unrelated to the priest blog story, Scheske also makes his monthly blog pick. This month's blog of choice is one that I only very recently encountered and added to my blogroll: Abbey Roads. Check it out.

I've just discovered that the story above is a couple of months old - from September. So, Abbey Roads was the blog of the month for September, not November. Incidentally, The Lair of the Catholic Cavemen was the blog of the month for August.


  1. Thanks for mentioning Abbey-Roads! You've been on my blog roll as well. I like your stuff! Happy Thanksgiving!


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