Friday, November 10, 2006

Michael Steele to Head GOP?

From The Washington Times:
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, whose party just lost both chambers of Congress, will leave his position in January, and the post as party chief has been offered to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.

"It is true," Mr. Mehlman told The Washington Times when asked about reports last night that he would resign. "It's something I decided over the summer. No one told me I needed to. In fact, folks wanted me to stay."

Mr. Mehlman said he "told the White House over the summer it was my decision" to leave the RNC post, "win, lose or draw."

Also last night, Republican officials told The Times that Mr. Steele, who lost his bid for the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, has been sought out to succeed Mr. Mehlman as national party chairman. Those Republican officials said Mr. Steele had not made a decision whether to take the post, as of last night.

Other Republican Party officials said some Republican National Committee (RNC) members, including state party chairmen, have mounted a move to have Mr. Steele succeed Mr. Mehlman.

But they said that President Bush's political adviser Karl Rove, who is Mr. Mehlman's mentor, would rather see Mr. Steele serve in the president's Cabinet, perhaps as secretary of Housing and Urban Development. These officials said no one has actually offered Mr. Steele either the RNC post or a Cabinet post.

Steele spokesman Doug Heye said last night that "I don't know of any conversations that Lt. Gov. Steele has had on this topic, but I can tell you that there are many people who have said he would be an ideal candidate, based on the race he ran this year."

"I talked to him very briefly about it today. He has not made any decisions yet about what he will do next. He is still focused on his role as lieutenant governor," Mr. Heye said.

Mr. Steele is one of the most successful and respected black Republicans in the country. He served as the elected Maryland Republican Party chairman before running for lieutenant governor.

My Comments:
Excellent idea! Please keep Michael Steele in the public eye. The positive, issue-oriented campaign he ran for Senate in Maryland is a model for what the GOP should be doing. In any other year, Steele would be Senator-elect right now.

Michael Steele is an articulate and faithful Catholic, who can step into the role as spokesman for a real "compassionate conservatism", not one that plays religious voters for suckers. The Republicans (and Catholics, for that matter) would be well served by having Steele in such a position of prominence.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
Steele Gaining

Black Democrats Pledge Backing to GOP's Steele

One of the Best Preemptive Political Ads That I've Ever Seen

Maryland Lt. Gov. (and U.S. Senate Candidate) Michael Steele Reaffirms Catholic Values

1 comment:

  1. He does sound like a good choice, I just hope his organizational skills are up to it. I never had the feeling that Ken Mehlman was ever much of a social conservative and thus at times did not help us to play to some of our strengths. Mehlman is pretty sharp, it was just unfortunate the Dean was never dumb enough to appear with him to show the contrast.


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