Monday, November 13, 2006

Democrats Attack Their Favorite Republican

From Cybercast News Service:
( - The Democratic National Committee, responding to Sen. John McCain's suggestion that he will run for president in 2008, issued a statement on Sunday welcoming him to the race -- and calling him an "opportunist."

"The question is, which McCain is running," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney. "[Will it be] the McCain who called right wing extremists like Jerry Falwell an evil influence, or the McCain who spoke at Liberty University as he attempted to cater to the far right in advance of a presidential run?" she asked. "Or the McCain who opposed overturning Roe vs. Wade or the McCain who said he would support South Dakota's ban?

"As an opportunist who supports the Bush administration's failed policy in Iraq and changed his and on tax cuts, a woman's right to make her own decisions about her health care, and campaign finance reform, it's hard to tell which John McCain will enter the race," Finney said.

McCain, who would be 72 on Election Day in 2008, said over the weekend that he is laying the organizational and legal groundwork for a presidential run but won't make any official announcements until early next year.

My Comments:
Wow! I actually find myself agreeing with the DNC on something. John McCain is an opportunist.

I'm making a prediction: If John McCain somehow wins the Republican presidential nomination, he will choose "Independent/Democrat" Joseph Lieberman as his running mate. I won't vote for them, but they would have a good shot at winning. The most unfortunate part of that scenario is that disillusioned religious and social conservatives will stay at home on Election Day, thus ensuring Democrat control of Congress.

1 comment:

  1. It appears that Guiliani has all but declared his intention to run as well.


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