Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Catholic League Announces "2006 Christmas Watch"

From the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights:
Every December sees its fair share of "Grinches," those retailers, schools, websites, towns and municipalities who refuse to acknowledge Christmas as part of the "holiday season." These Christmas kill-joys are all around.

This Christmas, the Catholic League, Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R. and the other Franciscan Friars of the Renewal have joined up to put the spotlight on these folks. Should you notice one of these Grinches, please let us know. You may submit the details either by faxing the Catholic League at 212-371-3394, writing to us at 450 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10123 or by e-mailing catalyst@catholicleague.org.

The names of the nominees are posted below. Each week, we will select the worst offender and dub it the Supreme Grinch of the Week.

My Comments:
I'm guessing the "Supreme Grinch of the Week" for this week will be the organizers of the German Christkindlmarket and the public officials who pressured them to drop "The Nativity" movie from the event sponsors.

Previous Pro Ecclesia posts on this subject:
"Nativity" Ban Called "Most Blatant" Form of "Religious Discrimination"

Christmas Banned From Christmas Festival

Marines Would Rather Needy Children Go Without This Christmas Than Receive a Jesus Doll

Best Buy Bans Use of "Merry Christmas"

Wal-Mart: We're Not Afraid to Say Merry Christmas

Court Okays Anti-Christian Discrimination - Allows Jewish and Muslim Symbols, but Not Christian Ones, in Public Schools

University Administrator Declares Christmas "Forbidden"

Massachusetts School District Cracks Down on Christmas

Merry You-Know-What

"Silent Night" Secularized (Wisconsin Elementary School Changes Lyrics)

"Merry Christmas" School Lunch Menus Recalled

I Celebrate Christmas

Jewish Groups: Okay to Say "Merry Christmas"

Catholic League: Wal-Mart Joins Neo-Puritan Left In Banning Baby Jesus' Birthday

Operation Nativity

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