Friday, September 22, 2006

Sen. Clinton Calls for Global Plan for Poor Women

From The New York Slimes:
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton made a star turn this morning at former President Bill Clinton’s conference on global challenges, calling for a concerted attack on the “feminization of poverty” by destroying cultural, political, and economic barriers that trap women and children in desperate conditions.

Before a standing-room-only audience in a ballroom of the Sheraton hotel in midtown Manhattan, Mrs. Clinton gave opening remarks at the conference session “Women and the Power of Economic Opportunity” then moderated a panel that included President Bush’s former secretary of agriculture and three leaders in the development and anti-poverty fields.

“Far too many women are stuck in a cycle of poverty from which there is no escape,” Mrs. Clinton said, noting that women in many countries cannot vote, run for office, or secure credit or equity capital to start businesses. “How do we help overcome that condition of poverty and dependence?”

My Comments:
Why do I get the feeling that a key component of this "plan" has something to do with abortion?

Errr ... sorry ... "reproductive health care".


At 9/23/2006 10:16 AM, Blogger Jeff Miller said...

Of course the only countries where women can't vote are Islamic countries. Though I don't remember her praising Bush for what has happened in Afghanistan.

You are right of course that on this issue what they are always speaking about contraception/abortion.


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