Friday, September 15, 2006

Fidelis Criticizes Bob Casey for Using Catholic University to Promote Campaign

This week Fidelis publicly criticized Catholic University of America and Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr. for using the Catholic institution to flagrantly promote his campaign against Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum:
Casey Given Catholic Platform Despite Anti-Catholic Allies
Groups attacking Church give Casey hundreds of thousands of dollars

Fidelis criticized U.S. Senate candidate Bob Casey, Jr. this week for using the Catholic University of America to promote his campaign Thursday, arguing that his positions on key social issues and his ties to liberal interest groups who have publicly attacked the Catholic Church and her teachings make his presence wholly inappropriate.

Fidelis President Joseph Cella stated: “Bob Casey is shamelessly using the Catholic University of America to promote his campaign.”

Casey delivered the 38th annual Pope John XXIII Lecture at the university's law school entitled: “Restoring America’s Moral Compass: Leadership and the Common Good” that was followed by a reception for the candidate.

“There exists a real sense of duplicity with Casey speaking at a Catholic institution while accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from radical left wing groups that attack the Church. Moreover, given Casey’s support of homosexual adoption, Plan B abortion drugs, and homosexual civil unions, it seems wholly inappropriate for him to deliver a lecture entitled ‘Restoring America’s Moral Compass,’” said Cella.

Since September 2005 public records show Casey has received $164,000 from the Human Rights Campaign, a radical homosexual rights group, and $168,591 since June 2005 from, the left wing group funded by billionaire George Soros. Both organizations have a history of publicly attacking the Catholic Church and her teachings and have done so in recent months.

Cella continued, “Casey’s appearance at Catholic University is a brazen attempt to lend credibility to his campaign among Catholic and religious voters. Given the anti-Catholic company he has been keeping, it’s very difficult to take him seriously.”


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