Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Catholic" Senator Dick Dirtbag on Bush's Veto

This is what Sen. Dick Dirtbag of Illinois, easily the sleaziest member of the U.S. Senate (and that's saying a LOT, especially when one considers the senior swimmer from Massachusetts) had to say today in response to President Bush's veto of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research:
"Those families who wake up every morning to face another day with a deadly disease or a disability will not forget this decision by the president to stand in the way of sound science and medical research," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.).
This from the guy who, during the 2004 elections, came up with the infamous "scorecard" for Catholic Senators, which rated John Kerry as the "most Catholic" U.S. Senator, with Dick Dirtbag himself rated as the "2nd most Catholic".

Dick Dirtbag may favor using tax dollars to kill little babies and be a proponent of same-sex "marriage", but hey, at least he voted for the Dorgan Joint Resolution regarding broadcast media ownership and the Kerry National Affordable Housing Trust Fund. That's got to count for something, right?

Now, someone remind me again why this POS is still allowed to receive Communion in the Catholic Church.

(Hat tip: Paul at Thoughts of a Regular Guy)

On a side note, I'm happy to report that my 2 normally RINO Senators here in Ohio - Mike DeRino and George Whineandbitch - were among the Senators voting AGAINST the embryonic stem cell bill. A special thank you to the "distinguished gentlemen" from Ohio.


At 7/20/2006 2:06 AM, Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

I really would like to see the hierarchy take a leadership role here, are the "Catholic" senators who voted in favor of the research automitically excommunicated now and any communion they take will be in a state of mortal sin? It is scandal at the very least to see our "Catholic" leaders standing up to be counted with the culture of death (even and especailly when it comes in with the trojan horse of healing and life.)

At 7/20/2006 8:30 AM, Blogger Brother James said...

It's ironic that Dubya, a Methodist, has a voting record closer to some Catholic doctrine than catholic senators and representatives. Maybe he'll convert someday?

At 7/20/2006 7:17 PM, Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

St. Jimbob another blogger (the Anchoress?) has pointed out in the past that many of the major actions of the Bush adm. coincide with Marian Feast days, off the top of my head I recall that the war in Afghanistan was launched on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (aka the Feast of Our Lady of Victory, the commemoration of the Christian victory that drove the forces of Islam back until the present time.)

Bush's court pics have been Catholics and he is on good terms with some influential clergy, also there is a photo of him on the night of the Election in which an icon of Our Lady can be seen.

I have a feeling both Bush and Blair will convert once the spotlight is off them.

At 7/22/2006 1:07 AM, Blogger Jean Heimann said...

Dick Dirtbag -- nice touch! Too funny!


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