Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Swimmer on Bigotry

From Mark Shea:
Ted Kennedy Declares Overwhelming Majority of the Human Race "Bigots"

If you don't think there will be legal sanctions against people for the Thoughtcrime of failing to affirm homosexuality as the source and summit of all goodness, truth, and beauty, you simply don't understand the deeply totalitarian impulses of the Leftist mind. Tolerance is not enough. You must *approve*. You must make a Confession of Faith.
Here's what the Swimmer had to say:
"A vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry pure and simple," said Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, where the state Supreme Court legalized gay marriages in 2003.
My Comments:
I strongly agree with Shea's take that there will eventually be legal sanctions against those who don't bow to the altar of liberal orthodoxy regarding homosexuality, the prospect of which I blogged about here and here.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the obligatory "Swimmer" pics:

Here's more on the story from Human Events:
Kennedy to Cardinals: You're All Bigots!
by Richard Lessner
Posted Jun 05, 2006

“A vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry, pure and simple.” Thus spoke Sen. Ted Kennedy in reference to the Marriage Protection Amendment being debated in the Senate today.

One cannot help but wonder what His Eminence Sean Patrick Cardinal O’Malley of Boston thinks of Sen. Kennedy’s thunderous pontificating. Cardinal O’Malley, along with all seven other U.S. Catholic cardinals, signed a statement on behalf of the Religious Coalition for Marriage supporting the amendment and urging the Senate to pass the measure along to the states for ratification.

Presumably, by Sen. Kennedy’s lights, Cardinal O’Malley and the three score other religious leaders who signed the Coalition statement all are bigots. This would include Cardinals Roger Mahony of Los Angeles and Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., two liberal-leaning prelates not known for their right-wing zealotry. And doubtlessly Cardinal Adam Maida of Detroit, too, would be chagrined to find himself relegated to the company of the bigoted.

From Advocatus Militaris at Fumare comes news that one retired Cardinal of the Church, in response to Kennedy's diatribe, referred to the Swimmer as "a fat drunk":
While the U.S. Cardinals have been silent in the face of these attacks, an outspoken retired Cardinal in Rome has not been. Giovanni Cardinal Marotta, 98, a retired official of the Roman Rota and Titular Archbishop of Colossae, spoke out forcefully today against the senior Senator from Massachusetts. "Senator potor corpulentus est! " (Which roughly translates as "The Senator is a fat drunk!") The frail elderly Cardinal, who makes his home at the Villa Santa Zita on the outskirts of Rome, still keeps abreast of the American political scene. Fr. Hilario Lim, J.C.D., canonist and former student of Cardinal Marotta said, " This is vintage Marotta. His Eminence has for a long time been critical of Catholic politicians espousing positions contrary to the Faith. While some might disagree with Cardinal Marotta's approach, he sees it as an imitation of Our Lord when he called the Pharisees a 'brood of vipers.'"

"He calls it like he sees it, and unlike the Senator from Massachusetts, he also tells the truth," said Fr. Lim.
(emphasis added)

Advocatus Militaris, concerned that yours truly might "sully [the] reputation" of this blog [A.M., dude, I threw that away the moment I began posting about the lovely and talented Miss Lima], sent me an email to clarify that his post was a parody.

I sorta thought as much, but decided it was too good a post to pass up. Nonetheless, I wanted to make sure those reading this blog were aware of that fact as well.

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At 6/07/2006 11:42 AM, Blogger Juniper, a bean farmer said...

Jay I think Cardinal Marotta is made up. He's not listed among living cardinals or deceased bishops on catholic-hierarchy.org.

And the Titular See of Colassae has been vacant since 1965: http://catholic-hierarchy.org/diocese/d3c89.html

And doesn't it seem strange for him to be quoted speaking about Kennedy in Latin and not Italian?

Bummer. It's funny ... some real Cardinal should claim the quote for his own.

At 6/07/2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

I thought as much when I didn't see a link to the story. But it was good enough to post anyway.

At 6/08/2006 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need more Miss Lima!! Or at least Mrs. Advocatus Militaris!

At 6/08/2006 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian L. is a party pooper!


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