Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bill Moyers - Still An Idiot After All These Years

(Hat tip: Laura Ingraham)

Bill Moyers, being interviewed by the San Francisco Gate regarding his upcoming PBS (our tax dollars at work) series "Faith and Reason", had this to say about religious conservatives:
Q: I've seen a theme in much of your writings and speeches over the past year or so -- the idea that believing the Bible and the Koran are literally true and 100-percent applicable to today's world is causing real damage on many levels. Is that a fair assessment of what you believe?

BM: Yes, true believers brook no dissent, seek no debate, accept no compromise. American politics is polarized today because the base of the Republican Party is composed of true believers: "My way or the highway."

When you have time, read the platform adopted at the recent convention of Texas Republicans. It declares, "America is a Christian nation." The delegates pledged "to exert our influence toward a return to the original intent of the First Amendment and dispel the myth of the separation of church and state."

A scholar I greatly respect, John Green, who studies church-state issues at the University of Akron, sums it up better than I can. He says: "The GOP has defined itself against Democrats by making religion, particularly issues such as abortion and gay marriage, part of its politics.
[ED: Yeah right, it's been religious conservatives who have forced the debate on these issues. NOT.] This is not a political disagreement. This is a religious disagreement."

A shudder runs down my spine. Religious zealots don't want compromise, which is why they loathe democracy.

(emphasis added)
My Comments:
"... which is why they loathe democracy"

No, Bill, we loathe elitist asshats like you who want to shut us out of the democratic process, and who want to remove issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage from that democratic process via court-imposed fiat.

We also loathe elitist asshats like you who use our tax dollars to get an anti-Christian and anti-conservative message on TV that would never otherwise see the light of day.

NOTE: The polorization of American politics could just as easily be laid at the door of operatives like Moyers who, as a member of the LBJ administration, personally green-lighted the infamous "Daisy Ad", which asserted that a vote for Sen. Barry Goldwater for President was a vote for nuclear destruction. Moyers also coined the anti-Goldwater slogan "In your guts, you know he's nuts."

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At 6/21/2006 11:42 AM, Blogger Jeff Miller said...

It is funny how we loathe Democracy, but yet want the people to have the right to decide important issues through their representatives vice judges.

It is really the Democratic Party that loathes Democracy since their elitists don't understand and loathe the common man and are quite happy when judges decree by fiat what they support.

At 6/21/2006 12:40 PM, Blogger Brother James said...

You could turn his last statement around:

Democrats don't want compromise, which is why they loathe religious zeal.


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