Monday, April 03, 2006

Terri Schiavo's Brother Critical of Bishop Lynch

... And when my sister’s trial began in January 2000, my relationship and faith in God truly was tested, and there is no doubt that my faith was tested and I didn’t respond very well at all. It all began when something happened that no one in family would have ever expected, a Catholic priest testified on behalf on Michael Schiavo stating that the Catholic Church was essentially ‘okay’ with removing my sister’s feeding tube so that she would starve to death.

Consequently, Judge Greer ruled in Michael Schiavo’s favor to allow Terri’s feeding tube to be removed. Interestingly enough, the judge made a point to specify in his ruling how candid he thought the priest was with his testimony.

How can this be? How can God allow this to happen? These questions were obsessively going through my head. I began focusing and on all the evil that began to surface in my sister’s case and the anger began to consume me.

If that wasn’t enough, and when things didn’t seem they could get much worse for my faith, my family scheduled a meeting with Bishop Robert Lynch who is the Bishop of the diocese where Terri was living. We met with the Bishop, asking for and expecting to have his help to --- not only condemn the ruling to starve my sister to death that just issued by the judge, but to correct the testimony of the priest which was contrary to Church teaching.

After all, what could possibly be more soul-less or cowardly than harming people who cannot defend themselves? What could possibly be crueler than causing someone to endure a prolonged and painful death simply because as a society we don’t want to deal with or pay for people that many think have no human value or quality of life?

Much to the frustration of my family, the meeting proved to be of no help. In fact, during the five year ordeal, Terri’s Bishop Lynch did very little to assist my sister despite the clear contradiction of the Church’s teaching and the pleas of countless Catholic’s throughout the world.

Looking back, I can’t help but believe that if Bishop Lynch would have steadfastly denounced what was happening to Terri, which was the practice of involuntary euthanasia, there would have been such an enormous outcry of support from the parishioners in Terri’s diocese, and Catholics from all over the world, that that my sister could very well be alive today.

After my family’s meeting with Bishop Lynch, I can say that it was a point in my life that whatever relationship I did have with God was all but gone...

(emphasis added)
My Comments:
Successor to the apostles or no, Bishop Lynch is a disgusting POS. Judas Iscariat would be proud.


At 4/03/2006 8:53 AM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

Hmmm, sounds like a good opportunity for fraternal correction, no?

Let's not hold our collective breath waiting for that to happen.

At 4/03/2006 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My suspicion has always been that Bishop Lynch remained quiet because someone was threatening to expose possible skeletons in his closet. I have no proof, but I cannot explain his conduct any other way. It was shameful. He will have to answer one day for his cowardice, whatever the reason.

At 4/03/2006 8:19 PM, Blogger Rick Lugari said...

I don't know. From what I've read of Bishop Lynch, I'd say his attitude and inaction concerning this matter was in keeping with the type of shepherd he is.


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