Friday, April 21, 2006

Life Doesn't Start at Conception, But After Says Cardinal Martini

From Catholic News Agency:

Vatican City, Apr. 20, 2006 (CNA) - Italian Vatican analyst Sandro Magister is releasing a long dialogue Cardinal Martini sustained with Ignazio Marino, famous Italian bio-ethicist, and director of the Center of transplants of the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, about abortion, in-vitro fecundation and contraception [missing text in original]

And the answer is: “not immediatly with conception, but after” said Cardinal Martini, about when life starts, “with the consequences that derive from it,” added Magister. The long dialogue between the two men will be released in the next issue of the weekly “L’espresso,” a center-left weekly tomorrow, it will be made available by Sandro Magister in his website in English
[missing text in original]

The Jesuit Cardinal, now 79, a great specialist of Holy Scriptures, and former Archbishop of Milan from 1979 to 2002, lives today in Jerusalem, where he resumed his biblical studies. During the pontificate of John Paul II, Cardinal Martini was known to be the preeminent representante of the “progressive” opposition. The same opinion continues to be circulate about him regarding the new pope.

(emphasis added)

My Comments:
No wonder this guy was the liberals' great hope to succeed the late John Paul II. We can thank God that the Holy Spirit led the College of Cardinals to choose otherwise.

Publius of Res Publica et Cetera notes in comments that Martini "also supports condom use to prevent AIDS and said that the legalization of abortion was a good thing, according to this article."

Thank you, Lord, for your servant and vicar Pope Benedict XVI.


At 4/21/2006 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He also supports condom use to prevent AIDS and said that the legalization of abortion was a good thing, according to this article.

At 4/21/2006 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lord, for your servant and vicar Pope Benedict XVI.


At 4/21/2006 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More and more I think an embryology book should be required reading for entrance into the human race!

At 4/21/2006 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 4/21/2006 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the whole lesser of two evils idea that Cardinal Martini is so fond of, I wonder whether he'd consider tortuing terrorists to prevent attacks to fall under this rubric. After all, it's hard to say that a few dozen (or even a few hundred) tortured terrorists is a greater evil than thousands (or more) of innocent corpses. Somehow I doubt he would accept that reasoning. Which is one of the problems with consequentialism or any other form of relativism: almost no one applies it consistently.

At 4/22/2006 10:10 PM, Blogger papabear said...

Time spent in the Holy Land hasn't helped him evidently...

At 4/23/2006 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As he is accostumed, Cardinal Martini, doesn't turn to Church and to its Teaching, which he should be the guardian and apostle, but he is venturing in such a minimalistic maze using inappropiated biblical quotations.
Sorry form my english, I'm italian. Martini's words you can find it


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