Thursday, March 30, 2006

You Go, Nino!

As Justice Scalia left a Red Mass at Boston's cathedral, how did he respond to a reporter who asked the him how he reacts to critics who might question his impartiality as a judge given the fact that he publicly celebrates his Roman Catholic beliefs?

Like this, according to the Boston Herald:
“The judge paused for a second, then looked directly into my lens and said, ‘To my critics, I say, ‘Vaffanculo,’ ” punctuating the comment by flicking his right hand out from under his chin...

The Italian phrase means “(expletive) you.”
My Comments:
You go, Nino! If the secular left had its way, those who are serious about their faith would be excluded from public service. Remember the Schumer Doctrine?

(Hat tip to the American Princess for the photos)


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