Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Reality Sets in for Democrats

Captain Ed at Captain's Quarters notes that the abortive Alito filibuster has forced the left to wake up to the realization that they do not represent the mainstream:
Some of the more prominent Democrats refused to own up to reality. Every Senator who has either declared an interest in running for President or presumed to have an interest in the office voted against cloture and for a filibuster, including Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Russ Feingold, and Evan Bayh -- the latter who often gets described as a moderate in the Democratic ranks. Their leadership also showed their cluelessness, with Harry Reid and Dick Durbin also supporting the filibuster -- and watching as the rest of their party decided to vote for moderation and tradition, not to mention reality.

What will this mean for the Democrats? It exposes a couple of truths, painful realizations that they have willfully ignored for the past three electoral cycles. First and foremost, the rank-and-file Democrats now understand that organizations like PFAW and NARAL do not represent "mainstream" views, but instead belong on the fringes of an increasingly incoherent left wing. Pressed to back up their rhetoric with a groundswell of public opinion, they ranted and raved on television, radio, and through a road show -- and wound up with Alito still commanding a 2-1 edge for confirmation despite their smear campaigns. They may have belatedly discovered that their worship of abortion on demand has turned off a large number of voters.

Second, the bloviating of people like Ted Kennedy does not inspire the middle to their ranks, but instead repels more and more centrists through the obvious hyperbole and hypocrisy it demonstrates.

The media predicted a permanent split on the Right over the Harriet Miers nomination, but it might be more likely that the Left will split over the failure of the Alito filibuster. The 2006 election just took an unexpected turn.

(emphasis added)
My Comments:
Will the left get the message and take it to heart? Somehow I doubt it.


At 1/31/2006 10:00 AM, Blogger PB said...

It will be interesting to see the vote tallies tonight. I predict there will be a few more willing to cross the party line and vote for him. Any predictions?

At 1/31/2006 10:17 AM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

Yeah, because my prediction yesterday turned out to be so accurate.

I think Alito could end up somewhere in the low 60s - maybe 60-62 votes. But that's about it.


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