Monday, January 23, 2006

NY Slimes: Judge Alito's "Radical" Views

The New York Slimes editorial staff apparently hasn't yet realized that their side got creamed during the Alito hearings, and that his confirmation is going to happen regardless of their sniping:
If Judge Samuel Alito Jr.'s confirmation hearings lacked drama, apart from his wife's bizarrely over-covered crying jag [ED: do you think the Slimes would have characterized it this way if the Republicans had roughed up a Democrat nominee, causing his wife to cry?], it is because they confirmed the obvious. Judge Alito is exactly the kind of legal thinker President Bush wants on the Supreme Court. He has a radically broad view of the president's power, and a radically narrow view of Congress's power. He has long argued that the Constitution does not protect abortion rights. He wants to reduce the rights and liberties of ordinary Americans [ED: Exactly which "rights and liberties" does Judge Alito hate so much?], and has a history of tilting the scales of justice against the little guy [ED: Got evidence of this? No, because it's a lie.].

As senators prepare to vote on the nomination, they should ask themselves only one question: will replacing Sandra Day O'Connor with Judge Alito be a step forward for the nation, or a step backward? Instead of Justice O'Connor's pragmatic centrism, which has kept American law on a steady and well-respected path, Judge Alito is likely to bring a movement conservative's approach to his role and to the Constitution.

Judge Alito may be a fine man, but he is not the kind of justice the country needs right now. Senators from both parties should oppose his nomination.

My Comments:
Or, perhaps, the Slimes is just doing its thing as official mouthpiece of the DNC (after all, those tired talking points the Slimes is using in its editorial sound awfully familiar), and going along with the strategy to oppose Alito so that they can turn him into a political football this fall.


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