Monday, November 14, 2005

Senators Brownback And Coburn, Are You Listening?

In Jay Anderson's fantasy land, these are the opening remarks delivered by either Senator Sam Brownback or Senator Tom Coburn (the only members of the Judiciary Committee who, in my opinion, have the stones to do it) at the beginning of Judge Alito's confirmation hearings:
I would like to preface my remarks concerning our esteemed nominee by first addressing the baseless and utterly nonsensical notion put forward earlier today by my colleagues in the minority that Judge Samuel Alito is "an extremist" and "outside the mainstream" in his views and judicial philosophy.

First, for argument's sake only, let's accept the assertion that the nominee has, in the past, expressed his strong opposition to the decision in Roe v. Wade. Let me ask: what exactly is "extreme" about this position? After all, that is the official policy position of the majority political party in this country. That policy has been reflected in every Republican Party platform since 1980.

For over 25 years, the Republican Party has espoused the position that Roe v. Wade's mandate of abortion-on-demand must be overturned. During that 25-year period, Republicans have controlled the White House for 17 of those years. During that 25-year period, the Republican Party has increased its representation in Congress such that they have been the majority in the House of Representatives now for 11 straight years, and have been the majority in this Senate body for 16 of those 25 years. During that 25-year period, the Republican Party has made steady gains across this great nation at the state level, so that Republicans now sit in 30 of this country's 5O governors' mansions, including those in the 4 most populous states in the Union.

And lest we forget, our President has won 2 elections in which he promised to nominate judges just like Samuel Alito to the federal bench.

In short, since 1980, when the Republican Party adopted the policy positions that our colleagues in the minority wish to dismiss as "extreme" and "outside the mainstream", the American people have chosen to see it otherwise. They know that the common-sense policies of the Republican Party with regard to this tragic issue are anything but "outside the mainstream".

Now, let me tell you what IS extreme. Abortion-on-demand up to and including the 9th month of pregnancy is extreme. Partial-birth abortion, wherein a child is partially delivered only to have scissors thrust into its skull to end its life, is extreme. Denying the parents of a minor child the opportunity to know that their child is having a medical procedure - namely an abortion - is extreme. A minor girl can't have her ears pierced in this country without receiving her parents' consent, yet we are told that a parent cannot even KNOW that his or her child is having an abortion. THAT is extreme.

Now, let me also tell you that every one of those extreme positions is held by the same members of this body who today have tried to paint Judge Alito as "an extremist". If those who disparage Judge Alito as "outside the mainstream" had their way, the only judges who could get lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary would be those who hold the extreme positions that I have just described.

Those who favor placing common-sense restrictions on abortion - a ban on the barbaric partial-birth abortion, parental notification and consent laws, an end to abortion-on-demand and late-term abortions - have been frustrated at every step by activist judges and their supporters on the extreme left of the American political spectrum. And, I am sad to say, by our Senate colleagues in the Democrat Party who insist that judicial nominees who share the mainstream philosophy of the Republican Party and the President who nominates them are not fit to sit on the federal judiciary.

I ask the American people to remember - whenever you hear someone refer to Judge Alito as "an extremist" or "outside the mainstream" - I ask you to remember who it is that supports late-term abortions on demand, who supports the gruesome and barbaric partial birth abortion, and who supports a minor child going through an anguishing and life-changing experience like abortion without her parents being notified so that they may provide her with the comfort and support any parent would want to give. And then I ask you to ask yourself: "Now, just who is it that is 'extreme' and 'outside the mainstream'?"

I yield back the balance of my time.
I have updated the text of the statement above to exclude the reference to "Leaving children born alive during the course of an abortion alone to die - unloved and without medical attention". I had assumed that some of the more hard left members of the Judiciary Committee had opposed the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act", but such act, in fact, passed the Senate with unanimous consent. I have no idea how the vote went in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but I thought it best not to speculate.


At 11/14/2005 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice opening comments. As an ex-court reporter (no I'm not old, overweight, and ugly, so stop picturing that) I would have paid attention instead of my usual inward criticism of your choice of shirt with that tie.
I'm sure Barack Obama is disappointed that babies can't be left to die in hospital closets anymore. What a screwed up society we are that this even had to be addressed.
I was told about this site yesterday:
It's so heartbreaking.

At 11/15/2005 2:05 AM, Blogger Fidei Defensor said...

I fear that the republican party is going to dump the pro-life platform soon. Those guys figure if they support an occasional partial birth ban or parental notification bill they'll have all our votes in the bag anyway because we have no where else to go. I have a feeling the next presidential primaries will be for the very soul (figurativly) of the party, I do however think Brownback is a guy in the GOP we can trust.

At 11/15/2005 2:09 AM, Blogger Jean Heimann said...


I went to the site you gave above and seeing that chaplain's face there sickened me. He is no more a man of God than the abortionist, but is an accomplice in the abortion scam industry. I bet he gets paid mucho bucks for sanctioning abortion and making it appear acceptable to appease some guilty consciences.

I heard Barack Obama in his three debates against Keyes and the man is so transparent -- he lies out of both sides of his mouth and then pretends to be a Christian. He is pitiful! He was advocating teaching sex education to kindergarten children and sanctioned pornography on the Internet. Now, he is attempting to change his public image by coming across as being against sex on TV and has been mouthing off to the press about the bad effects it has on our youth! Like Hillary who is pretending to be shocked and upset about forced abortion in China and pretending to be middle of the road when she is really a pro-death liberal, Obama has something up his sleeve. He deceived a lot of people with his canned speech at the Democratic Convention last year and there was talk of him as a potential presidential candidate in the next election. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he ran for either president or vice president in the next election -- he is every pro-death democrat's dream.

He is the worst debater and one of the worst impromptu speakers I have ever heard. He is a terrible liar and it shows up clearly with all the duh's and uh's he uses when he speaks. I counted 20 in the last three minute speech he gave. His non-verbal language is a dead give away as well as all the contradictory statements he makes. He is serving as someone else's patsy -- he is too stupid to have a mind of his own. He is owned by the Chicago democratic machine.

At 11/15/2005 7:32 AM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

Fidei, what you're hearing is someone's wishful thinking. As long as Republicans are voting in Republican primaries, and as long as rank-and-file members vote on the party platform at the convention, the party will be, at least officially, a pro-life party, and its presidential nominee will be at nominally pro-life.


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