Monday, November 14, 2005

On Job Application With Justice Department, Alito Rejected Abortion As A Right

From The Washington Times:
Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, wrote that "the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion" in a 1985 document obtained by The Washington Times.

"I personally believe very strongly" in this legal position, Mr. Alito wrote on his application to become deputy assistant to Attorney General Edwin I. Meese III.

The document, which is likely to inflame liberals who oppose Judge Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court, is among many that the White House will release today from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

In direct, unambiguous language, the young career lawyer who served as assistant to Solicitor General Rex E. Lee, demonstrated his conservative bona fides as he sought to become a political appointee in the Reagan administration.

"I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion."

(emphasis added)
My Comments:
The "smoking gun" that will make those on both the right and the left happy. Prepare for war.

National Review Online has a link to Judge Alito's Justice Department job application here.


At 11/14/2005 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I like the reassurance, though I was never in the Alito-looks-like-Kennedy-redux camp. On the other hand, I am not exactly thrilled about the idea of an all-out war considering who controls the SJC and the general spinelessness of Republicans. If Alito does make it through it will go a long way to healing the wounds inflicted on the Republican psyche by the borking of Bork and may end up destroying the filibuster to boot. If Alito gets rejected, we could end up with a squishy moderate like Callahan or Mahoney.

At 11/14/2005 1:21 PM, Blogger Rick Lugari said...

Yeah, I didn't need to hear that as much as I the evil demagogues did. It certainly doesn't help our cause.

At 11/14/2005 2:33 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

At first I was a little perturbed at seeing these words come out now - since it will make the confirmation process more difficult.

But then I realized that what Judge Alito stated about his views on the constitutionality of abortion restrictions and racial quotas is the OFFICIAL POLICY POSITION of the majority party in these United States.

Why should Alito have to run from views he has taken in the past? Ruthie Ginsburg sure didn't run from her activist past.

The alternative is that we conservatives are left hoping that nothing comes out about the nominee that proves he's one of us. Well, I'm not taking that position anymore. A conservative President won 2 elections promising to nominate judges just like Samuel Alito. That is NOT extreme, and we shouldn't shy away from our preferences just because Chucky Schumer and Ted Kennedy and the MSM want to paint conservative views as "extremist".

I'm glad this came out. It is HIGH TIME conservative put to rest the notion that we need to hide our views in order to be palatable. Let's get the issues out on the table and have the debate.

If the Dems mean to have a war, let it begin here.

At 11/14/2005 4:12 PM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

You're 100% right, Jay! Count me in.


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