Tuesday, November 01, 2005

For All The Saints

(Hat tip: Rick Lugari at De Civitate Dei for the idea)

I just got back from Mass on this Feast of All Saints, and felt inspired to follow Rick Lugari's lead in listing my 10 favorite Saints:

1. Blessed Virgin Mary (under her title Our Lady of Walsingham, she is the patroness of my family)

2. St. Columba (my patron saint and my Confirmation name)

3. St. Thomas More (patron of this blog, as well as lawyers, judges, civil servants, politicians, statesmen, and large families)

4. St. Joseph (patron of the family)

5. St. Dominic (hammer of the heretical death-cult Albigensians - we need a hammer like that today for the modern death-cult)

6. St. Augustine of Hippo ("Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! ... I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more.")

7. St. George (my oldest was born on his feast day - April 23; plus, he killed a dragon, which is pretty cool)

8. St. Helena (what a woman! - my wife's patroness and Confirmation name)

9. St. Patrick ("Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down ...")

10. St. Peter (the Rock - why we're Catholic, after all)


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