Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Laura Bush Says Sexism Possible In Miers Criticism

From Reuters:
COVINGTON, Louisiana (Reuters) - First lady Laura Bush joined her husband in defending his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday and said it was possible some critics were being sexist in their opposition to Harriet Miers.

"That's possible, I think that's possible," Mrs. Bush said when asked on NBC's "Today Show" whether criticism that Miers lacked intellectual heft were sexist in nature. She said Miers' accomplishments as a lawyer were a role model to young women.

A week after President George W. Bush nominated Miers for a lifetime appointment to the highest U.S. court, he remained on the defensive against conservative critics within his own Republican Party.

They say Bush missed a chance to pick an experienced judge with clear-cut conservative credentials who would firmly move the court to the right on such social issues as abortion, gay rights and church-state separation.
My Comments:
Laura, honey, don't you worry your pretty little head about what all those mean old conservatives are saying about Miss Miers. You just concentrate on reading to school children, baking cookies, and supporting abortion.

Let the menfolk focus on the important complicated stuff like Supreme Court nominations.

Now THAT is sexism. Opposing Miers because of (1) her lack of qualifications, (2) her lack of strict constructionist / originalist credentials, and (3) the obvious cronyism represented by her nomination - especially when there are truly qualified women jurists and legal scholars with conservative credentials to choose from - is NOT sexism.

I mention the "truly qualified women jurists and legal scholars" not because I buy into Dubya's need to choose a woman to replace O'Connor, but rather I raised the matter specifically in the context of Laura Bush's "sexism" comments.

What I was trying to say is that there are plenty of women jurists and legal scholars whose nomination would not have raised the ire of conservatives.


At 10/11/2005 10:41 AM, Blogger Rick Lugari said...

Laura, honey, don't you worry your pretty little head about...


Way to send home the point, Jay. ;)

At 10/11/2005 12:21 PM, Blogger BillyHW said...

Well, I've read the transcript of the interview now and in defense of Laura, the reporter basically put the words in her mouth and was trying to get her to say that. She didn't say the word "sexism".

At 10/11/2005 12:32 PM, Blogger Pro Ecclesia said...

"I've read the transcript of the interview now and in defense of Laura, the reporter basically put the words in her mouth"

You're right.

And the only reason I posted this anyway is because it wouldn't have been that hard for Laura to say (as she's done in the past when interviewers have tried to put words in her mouth): "Oh, well, no. I don't think so."

At 10/11/2005 1:45 PM, Blogger Sir Galen of Bristol said...

I'll admit to being sexist. I've mentioned this on my blog before. If having female justices means having people like O'Connor and Ginsburg, and apparently like Laura Bush and Harriet Meiers, give me men.

At 10/11/2005 6:57 PM, Blogger Rick Lugari said...


I sympathize with your sentiments regarding the character of those particular women. However, being a man of the 21st century, I cannot sit idly by while someone makes sexist comments or worse, where’s their bigotry on their sleeve like a badge of honor.

I will have you know that women are a gift from God, even if it doesn’t usually seem so. Women are capable of doing almost anything a man can do, even if not nearly as well. Women have something very tangible to offer mankind and modern science is on the verge of proving it.

Women have an important role in the salvation of man; think of all the time Purgatory we’re going to get out just by having lived with a woman. And who else is going to make you babies? While generally speaking, men make better chefs, you wouldn’t want some dude in an apron and a skirt running around your kitchen? I didn’t think so.

Furthermore and more directly to the point of this conversation, wouldn’t it be cool to have a hot babe like Laura Ingraham on the bench (no pun intended)? I mean, some of us non-lawyer types, take an interest in these matters as a moral and civic duty, but a little eye-candy wouldn’t hurt.

Just say NO to sexism!

At 10/11/2005 7:00 PM, Blogger Rick Lugari said...

where's = wears

Yeah, I'm literate. Doh!


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