Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Fidelis Warns Senators on Questioning of Roberts on Religion

Yesterday, Senators of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid received a letter co-signed by Jeff Ballabon of the Center for Jewish Values and Brian Burch of Fidelis.org to re-emphasize that questioning John Roberts about his religion in the confirmation hearings is off limits:
By now it seems abundantly clear that Judge Roberts has a distinguished background as one of the nation's finest legal minds, a superb litigator, and a judge who is faithful to the Constitution. Should he be confirmed, he is equipped with the background, character and temperament, in ample measure, necessary to discharge the duties as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Unfortunately, it seems that questions about Judge Roberts’ Catholic faith will be raised by certain outside groups and some in the U.S. Senate.

As you remember, in 2003, Judge Bill Pryor, also a Catholic, was subjected to questions about his deeply held personal beliefs by members of the United States Senate, acting in their official capacities and on national television. Both of us saw what went on at that hearing and each of us, Catholic and Jew alike, felt personally offended. Similar offense to core American values occurred during the nomination of former Attorney General John Ashcroft. This is an ugly trend and it must be stopped.

We are from different organizations and different religions, but we do share the common denominator of being Americans who treasure their faith and our country's First Amendment guarantees.

We firmly agree that Judge Roberts’ Catholic beliefs have nothing to do with his ability to serve his country and the law. Further, we believe that the very suggestion is offensive to the Constitution. We appeal to you, as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to do everything in your power to ensure that an official hearing in the pursuit of a Constitutionally mandated Senatorial function not be used again as a platform to treat Americans of faith with indignity, questioning their worthiness for public service and their loyalties.

[Read the letter in full]


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