Thursday, June 09, 2011

More on St. Columba of Iona (a.k.a. Columcille)

See also my previous post: "Feast of St. Columba of Iona - 9 June"

  • Videos about St. Columba:

  • An icon of St. Columba:

  • (Hat tip for the icon: Sisters of the Gospel of Life)

  • The prayer of the feast day:

  • O God, you called your servant Columba
    from among the princes of Ireland
    to be a herald and evangelist of your kingdom to the Scottish people:
    Grant that your Church,
    remembering his faith and courage,
    may so proclaim the gospel,
    that all men will come to know your Son as their Saviour,
    and serve him as their King;
    who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
    one God, now and for ever.
    (Hat tip for the prayer: Deacon Peter Simpson of St Columba's Roman Catholic Church in Culloden, Inverness)

  • Go here (see also this past issue of Dappled Things) for an absolutely beautiful piece of artwork by Daniel Mitsui, which depicts St. Columba in the mediaeval Irish style, using "a decorative vocabulary taken from the great Celtic illuminated manuscripts - especially the Lindisfarne Gospels, the Book of Kells and the Book of Durrow":
    St. Columba is pictured as an abbot, and holds the Cathach of St. Columba, an illuminated psalter attributed to the saint's own hand.

    At the bottom of the drawing are depicted three events from his life, as retold by Adamnan of Iona ...
    Definitely check it out. The artwork is available for purchase (NOTE TO SELF: add to Father's Day/Birthday/Christmas wish list).

  • Finally, finding a patron saint medal for St. Columba is danged nigh impossible. I've been looking for years, but have never been able to locate one. (If I have any readers in Ireland or Scotland who know how to obtain a patron saint medal depicting St. Columba - at a relatively affordable price, please contact me.)

    In the meantime, for those who are interested, the Ulster Heritage Magazine blog has information regarding a Saint Columba Medal designed by American-born Celtic metal worker and artist, Garth Duncan, who now lives on the Isle of Skye:

    For more information on the Saint Columba Medal, try Duncan's website.

    1. Thanks for the tip. My sister and I have been trying to collect rare Patron Saint Medals for the past few years. This is a great help. :)

    2. Let me know if you are able to obtain a St. Columba medal, either from Mr. Duncan or another source. I'd love to have one.


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