Friday, June 17, 2011


We wish our old friend the Regular Guy the best as he leaves his home state of Illinois today to embark upon the next segment of his and his family's life down in Texas. Paul has taken a job in my old stomping grounds in the DFW Metroplex, and is driving down there as I type this.

He's picked the wrong time of year to move down there, however. I wouldn't want to be unloading and unpacking moving boxes in the summer heat and humidity of Northeast Texas. In fact, I wouldn't want to be in the summer heat and humidity of Northeast Texas at all (still trying to figure out how we made it through 2-a-day football practices in that stuff back in high school).

At any rate, the Midwest will miss you, Paul. Give my best to all the good folks deep in the heart of the Lone Star State. Take in a Rangers game or two for me. Good luck and Godspeed.


  1. Welcome to Texas! We need more God-fearing Catholics to macth the influx of anti-God libs flooding our state for jobs as they leave their socialist paradise(s).

  2. Never mind the wife who will be in her third trimester with #5. Ah well, we will be among friends again. And closer to family. Thanks for the well wishes Jay!


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