Friday, December 15, 2006

Catholics in the Public Square

Many readers may be familiar with the group blog, Catholics in the Public Square, which covers much of the same territory of Catholicism in politics and public life as does this blog. If you're not familiar with Catholics in the Public Square, you should be. It's lineup of outstanding bloggers includes Christopher Blosser (Against the Grain), Jeff Miller (The Curt Jester), David Schrader (Catholics for Bush), and Oswald Sobrino (Catholic Analysis).

And now, yours truly. The hosts have been kind enough to invite me to participate in cross-posting at Catholics in the Public Square and to join in the collective blog. I am honored to accept their invitation.

Not to worry. My posting at Catholics in the Public Square will be only an occasional thing (as it is with the other bloggers who post there), so I will not be neglecting my blogging duties here at Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate. I will continue to update this blog at the same pace to which readers have become accustomed.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.